The LIFE Fluvial in the meeting of the Participation Body of the Terras do Miño Biosphere Reserve 

Tomorrow, December 17th, the LIFE Fluvial project will present the actions they have carried out in the core areas of the Terras do Miño Biosphere Reserve, including a review of previous LIFE projects that IBADER and the Lugo Provincial Council have carried out over the last 20 years. The event, which will take place at 16:30 in the assembly hall of the Diputación de Lugo at Calle San Marcos, 8 (Lugo) has the following agenda:

Approval, if appropriate, of the minutes of the previous meeting.
Proposal for the programming of activities for all audiences in the Biosphere Reserve for the year 2021.
Proposal for the creation of a working group for the implementation of the Terras do Miño Biosphere Reserve brand.
Presentation of the annual report of the activities of the Biosphere Reserve in 2020.
Situation of the incorporation of the Terras do Miño Biosphere Reserve to the Provincial Council of Tourism.
Situation of the Call for the VII Photography Contest “Sendeiros das Reservas da Biosfera Terras do Miño e Os Ancares Lucenses”.
Presentation of the actions of the projects LIFE FLUVIAL, LIFE+BIODINAMIC and LIFE IN COMMON LAND.
Presentation of the ecological urban vegetable garden project in the Rato River Park and Paradai.
Presentation of the results of the Campus de Emprendemento Sostible nas Reservas da Biosfera Terras do Miño and Os Ancares Lucenses and international collaborations.
Current status of the creation of a line of subsidies in competitive concurrence for projects to enhance the natural, cultural and landscape heritage of the Biosphere Reserve.
Status of the activities of the Spanish Network of Biosphere Reserves.
Situation of the activities of the Galician Network of Biosphere Reserves.
Question and answer session.

The event is organised by: Reserva da Biosfera Terras do Miño – Servizo de Medio Ambiente, Diputación de Lugo

Web Terras do Miño Biosphere Reserve:

Lugo Provincial Council website: 

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