FLUVIAL network

Fluvial Network  is a platform to facilitate and promote the exchange of good practices and experiences, as well as collaborative work between projects and institutions, promoting the replicability and transferability of the results of the LIFE Fluvial project, incorporating the conclusions of other European projects (LIFE or no), the experiences of competent European bodies for the management of river corridors and Natura 2000 conservation, and the knowledge of institutions and researchers.
Initial composition of Fluvial Network - Download PDF
The FLUVIAL NETWORK aims to become a bidirectional information exchange network that will facilitate an environment in which synergies are 
fostered and collaborative activities are developed that contribute to the improvement of knowledge and the development of capacities.

This section will record the progress relative to this Fluvial Network, as well as the information generated by this network, including a section 
of free access so that society can be informed about the measures of the particular project and the conservation of the river corridors in general.

Link to the projects with which LIFE Fluvial has maintained networking - Clik here 

Initial list of projects and organizations related to LIFE Fluvial

LIFE09 NAT/IT/000213 “SOR.BA”, http://www.lifesorba.eu/it/il_progetto_life_sor.ba

LIFE04 NAT/DK/000022 “REGAIN”, http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/project/Projects/index.cfm?fuseaction=search.dspPage&n_proj_id=2650

LIFE13 NAT/IE/000144 “LIFE KERRY”, http://kerrylife.ie/

LIFE12 NAT/HU/000593 “KASZO-LIFE” http://www.kaszo-life.eu/hu/

LIFE11 NAT/SI/000882 “LIVEDRAVA” The main objectives of the project are to manage Natura 2000 sites in the West-Inner-Somogy natural region (south-west Hungary) and rehabilitate natural habitats that have been degraded.

LIFE16 NAT/ES/000771 “LIFEFLUVIAL” https://www.lifefluvial.eu/es/inicio/

Xunta de Galicia, https://www.xunta.gal/portada

Principado de Asturias, https://www.asturias.es/

Ministerio de Alimentación y Pesca, Agricultura y Medio Ambiente MAPAMA, http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/

Agencia Portuguesa de Ambiente APA https://www.apambiente.pt/

Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas ICNF http://www.icnf.pt/

Danish Nature Agency http://eng.naturstyrelsen.dk/

Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung https://www.verwaltung.steiermark.at/

Diputación de Lugo http://www.deputacionlugo.org/portal_localweb_ag/p_1_principal1.jsp?codResi=1&language=gl

Cámara municipal de Ponte de Lima http://www.cm-pontedelima.pt/

INRA http://www.inra.fr/es

Asociación Gallega de Custodia del Territorio http://www.custodiadoterritorio.org/

Universidad de Vigo https://www.uvigo.gal/

Sapienza Universitá di roma https://www.uniroma1.it/it/pagina-strutturale/home

Initial list of LIFE projects related to LIFE Fluvial

LIFE ALNUS is experimentally developing an alternative strategy for the conservation of Mediterranean alder groves (habitat of Community interest 91EO*) on a regional scale (Catalonia) to reverse the regression and degradation of this riverside habitat and create a model that can be exported to the rest of the Mediterranean biogeographical arc.

The main objective of the LIFE INVASAQUA project (LIFE17 GIE/ES/000515), financed by the LIFE programme, is to support the communication, management and dissemination of information on aquatic Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in the Iberian Peninsula.

LIFE Nature and Biodiversity project VALLEES ARDENNAISES – LIFE19 NAT/B-E/000054 – “Ecological restoration of rivers and forests in the deep valleys of Ourthe, Amblève, Vesdre and Our basins” (2020-2028)

The LIFE nature project “LIFE Riverscape Lower Inn” serves to achieve important goals of the Fauna Flora Habitat (FFH) and Bird Protection Directive within the scope of the European Natura 2000 network.

Restoration of Alluvial Forests and Cladium mariscus habitats in Ramsar and Natura 2000 sites

The main objectives of the project are to manage Natura 2000 sites in the West-Inner-Somogy natural region (south-west Hungary) and rehabilitate natural habitats that have been degraded.

Natural Course is designing projects to better understand and overcome some of the biggest barriers preventing the achievement of ‘good ecological status’ under the EU Water Framework Directive in the North West River Basin District.

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