I Monitoring Meeting of the LIFE Fluvial project

Last Thursday 13th December 2018, the first monitoring meeting of the LIFE Fluvial project was held in Vegadeo. The first advances of the project were discussed and it was opened to the collaboration and participation of various interested public entities. link to New en La Voz de Galicia Interview Jorge Marquinez, director del proyecto, en … Read more

The first phase of the LIFE FLUVIAL project in Lagoa do Rei comes to an end and work begins on the Miño corridor as it passes through Rábade.

In the framework of the LIFE FLUVIAL project (LIFE16 NAT/ES/000771), the first phase of the works in Lagoa do Rei (ZEC Parga-Ladra-Támoga, ES1120003) has finished last Wednesday 7th November. Since 15th October, the company TRAGSA, advised by IBADER (University of Santiago de Compostela), both partners of the project, have been removing more than 250 individuals … Read more

LIFE FLUVIAL conservation actions start in A Lagoa do Rei (Rábade, Lugo)

Within the framework of the LIFE FLUVIAL project (LIFE16 NAT/ES/000771), on Monday 15 October, conservation actions began at the A Lagoa do Rei site (Rábade, Lugo), located in the Parga-Ladra-Támoga SAC (ES1120003). The restoration work has begun with the elimination of exotic and invasive species, to improve the naturalness of the ecosystem, which will be … Read more

Ribadeo Townn council exposes land expropiation project

The Council of Ribadeo publicly exposes the expropriation project of 33 plots of land in the council of Ribadeo. This project, which is part of the actions of the LIFE Fluvial project, aims to restore native habitats on the banks of the Ribadeo estuary, and to eliminate exotic and invasive plants.

Presentation of the LIFE Fluvial project at the “SER Europe Conference 2018 Restoration in the Era of Climate Change”.

Between 9 and 13 September 2018, the international conference “SER Europe Conference 2018 Restoration in the Era of Climate Change” was held in Reykjavik (Iceland), which brought together different international experts on various topics such as biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, or the fight against desertification. Within the framework of this conference, the LIFE FLUVIAL … Read more

The European Life Fluvial project promotes improvements to the Lagoa do Rei, in Rábade

The Lagoa do Rei, located in Rábade, will undergo improvements this summer through the European Life Fluvial programme. This action will include conservation tasks of its alluvial forest, the signposting of this area and its connection with the river Miño and the so-called Perimetral Route, promoted by the Council and which runs through the municipality. … Read more

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