Ribadeo Townn council exposes land expropiation project

The Council of Ribadeo publicly exposes the expropriation project of 33 plots of land in the council of Ribadeo. This project, which is part of the actions of the LIFE Fluvial project, aims to restore native habitats on the banks of the Ribadeo estuary, and to eliminate exotic and invasive plants.

Presentation of the LIFE Fluvial project at the “SER Europe Conference 2018 Restoration in the Era of Climate Change”.

Between 9 and 13 September 2018, the international conference “SER Europe Conference 2018 Restoration in the Era of Climate Change” was held in Reykjavik (Iceland), which brought together different international experts on various topics such as biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, or the fight against desertification. Within the framework of this conference, the LIFE FLUVIAL … Read more

The European Life Fluvial project promotes improvements to the Lagoa do Rei, in Rábade

The Lagoa do Rei, located in Rábade, will undergo improvements this summer through the European Life Fluvial programme. This action will include conservation tasks of its alluvial forest, the signposting of this area and its connection with the river Miño and the so-called Perimetral Route, promoted by the Council and which runs through the municipality. … Read more

Natura 2000 Day

Next Tuesday 22nd May the LIFE FLUVIAL project (LIFE16 NAT/ES/000771) will celebrate the European Day of the Natura 2000 Network at IBADER, Campus Terra of the University of Santiago de Compostela. The LIFE BACCATA project (LIFE15 NAT/ES/000790) will also join the celebration. The day will consist of two parts: During the morning, starting at 11 … Read more

Presentation LIFE Fluvial project in Coiros

The Aula de Naturaleza de Chelo, in Coirós, hosts on March 22, the presentation day of the Life Fluvial project. La Opinión A Coruña, March 22, 2018. Read new Coruña Today, March 22nd, 2018. Read new La Opinión A Coruña, March 23rd, 2018. Read new    

Presentation Life Fluvial project in Portugal

The director of the Institute of Agricultural Biodiversity and Rural Development (Ibader) of the Campus Terra of the USC, Pablo Ramil Rego, accompanied by other researchers of this university institute, participated in Portugal in the presentation of Life Fluvial, in the framework of an event that was also attended by the director of the Institute … Read more

The Eo estuary will change its image in the next four years

A project aims to eliminate most of the invasive trees.

Life Fluvial’ is the name of the project that has just been launched and seeks to change the appearance of the Eo estuary and its surroundings.

The InterEo association has been working for years to join an initiative that seeks environmental improvements with European funding.

Several aspects will be worked on in this estuary, but an important one is the eradication of invasive species, such as eucalyptus, which could substantially improve the views offered to visitors.

The project, which is already being developed in other areas of the Atlantic arc, will cost three million euros. Seventy-five percent of the money will come from the European Union.


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