The first LIFE Fluvial technical training day organised by Indurot and addressed to the technical staff of the town councils of the territories of the Eo river basin was held today 14th June. The conference entitled “LIFE FLUVIAL IN THE EO CORRIDOR: ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION AND POSTLIFE” was held by telematic means with the participation of staff from the University of Oviedo, specialists in different fields related to river restoration. Coordinated by the administrative manager of the project Luisa Alonso González (economist), the conference began with an introduction to the legal framework for the protection of the river Eo and its ecological and hydrogeomorphological characteristics explained by the project coordinator and biologist Pilar García Manteca. Next, Elena Fernández Iglesias (geologist) and Eduardo Cires (botanist) talked about the threats (biotic and abiotic), the alterations in the fluvial environment and the most current techniques of fluvial restoration. Mauro Sanna, technician of the LIFE Fluvial presented the results of the restoration actions after more than three years of actions in the Eo and all the techniques used in the elimination of invasive plants without using phytocides.
The day ended with the intervention of Pilar García Manteca on the Post LIFE actions and all the conservation tasks in which the municipalities are involved, providing information on good practices for the management of the banks.