Improvement and sustainable management of river corridors of the Iberian Atlantic Region
Overall Objective
The overall objective is the improvement of the conservation status of Atlantic river corridors in the Natura 2000 network. For this purpose, the project develops a transnational strategy for the sustainable management of river corridor habitats in several Atlantic river basins of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal). In this area, different threat factors such as invasive alien species, intensification of uses or plant health problems, generate the deterioration and fragmentation of the habitats of the river corridors.
To achieve the overall objective, specific objectives are set out in order to combat habitat degradation:
– Implementation of a transnational model of sustainable management of river corridors for the improvement of their conservation status, through the restoration of the composition, structure and functionality of their types of habitats, the improvement of connectivity and the reduction of fragmentation.
– Control of exotic and invasive flora.
– Elimination of plantations of non-native species
– Plantation of autochthonous species characteristic of riverbank forests (priority habitat 91E0 *) and oak forests (habitat 9230).
– Improvement of the phytosanitary status of the river corridors, through the partial removal of dead trees.
– Promoting the dissemination and awareness of the natural values, socio-economic benefits, and ecosystem services of river corridors.
– Improvement of training and technical capacity for stakeholders in the management and conservation of river corridors.
Assessment of locations and technical planning
Acquisition of privately owned land for transformation from eucalyptus plantations to native forest (91E0 * and 9230).
8 specific conservation actions will be carried out in Atlantic river corridors included in spaces of the Natura 2000 Network of Spain and Portugal:
- Improvement and restoration of natural habitats in the fluvio estuarine corridor of the Ría de Ribadeo / Ría del Eo (ZEC Eo-Galicia River ES1120002, Ribadeo SPA ES0000085, ZEC / ZEPA Ría del Eo ES1200016).
- Improvement and restoration of the river corridor in the middle basin of the Eo River (ZEC Río Eo- Galicia ES1120002, ZEC Río Eo-Asturias ES1200023).
- Improvement of the conservation status of the Arnao-Villadún Lagoons (ZEC / ZEPA Ría del Eo ES120006).
- Restoration of natural habitats in the fluvio estuarine corridor of the Ria de Betanzos (ZEC Betanzos-Mandeo ES111007).
- Sustainable Management of Hygrophilous Forests (ZEC Encoro de Abegondo-Cecebre ES1110004).
- Improvement of the river corridors in the upper Miño River basin (ZEC Parga-Ladra-Támoga ES1120003).
- Sustainable management of continental wetlands in the upper Miño river basin (ZEC Parga-Ladra-Támoga ES1120003).
- Improvement of the state of conservation of habitat 91E0 * in the Estorãos River (LIC Lima River, PTCON0020).
Follow-up actions to measure the impact of the project on the target habitats, assess the socio-economic impact of the project, assess the impact of the project on ecosystem functions and analyze the progress of the project.
These actions include the development of a Communication Plan, design, elaboration and installation of informational, didactic and awareness materials and equipment, design and implementation of an awareness and diffusion program, edition of an informative electronic bulletin, launch the project website and establishment of relationships with other projects with a similar theme.
It covers the set of tasks of management and coordination of the project, including the audit process, as well as the design of a post-LIFE Conservation Plan.
Project execution
from 01.09.2017 to 31.12.2022